ACAT (automated customer account transfer) process flow, 75

Accountability as pillar of success, 27–28

Accuracy of measurement system analysis, 98–101

Adding value [see Value-add (VA)]

Adequacy of measurement system analysis, 103–104

Alternative hypothesis, 144, 147, 153, 171

Analyze phase, 111–149

about, 111–113, 148–149

case study application, 150–153

checklist, 149

deliverables, 112–113

DMAIC problem solving, 15

kaizen, 158

Lean tools, 112

overview graphic, 112

ProcessArc comprehension test, 209

questions to ask at end of phase, 149

Six Sigma tools, 112

step 9: baseline process capability, 113–128

step 10: define performance objective, 129–132

step 11: variation, identify sources of, 132–149

Assignment description, business case, ...

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