
8-bit imaging, 463–4

16-bit imaging, 463–4

Aberrations, 175–80

Abney effect, 96

Absolute colorimetry, 87–9, 100

Absolute spectral power distribution, 100–101

Absorption filters, 194–5

Accelerators, 256

see also Alkalis

Acceptance angles, 233–5

Acceptor dopants, 157–8

Acetateebutyrate, 8

Achromatic colours, 78, 92

Achromat lenses, 182

Achromatopia, 69

Acquisition devices, 383–5

Actinic exposure, 150

Active pixel sensors, 164

Acutance, 256

ADC, see Analogue-to-digital conversion

Additive colour photography, 98, 393–5, 412–13

Additive mixing, 10

Adobe RGB (red, green, blue) 1998, 385–6, 419

AE, see Automatic exposure

Aerial cameras, 203, 204

Afocal converter lenses, 191–2

After-images, 95

Airy discs, 32, 33–5

Aliases/aliasing, 135, 136,

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