

  1. Abundance (Diamante)
  2. Advancing a New Wave of Urban Competitiveness: (The Brookings Institute)
  3. Alibaba
  4. AlphaLab Gear
  5. Aluminum products
  6. Amazon
  7. Apple's Mac Pros
  8. Art
    1. democratizing the creation of
    2. government support of makerspace
  9. Artificial intelligence (AI)
  10. Artisanal furniture manufacturing
  11. ArtistShare
  12. Autodesk


  1. Bamboo products
  2. Bezos, Jeff
  3. Bloomberg, Michael
  4. Brit & Co.
  5. Brooklyn Navy Yard Development Corporation (BNYDC)


  1. California
    1. Community College Makerspace Initiative of
    2. makerspace economic benefits to
  2. Capital
    1. crowdfunding and startup accelerators to raise
    2. JOBS Act (2012) and other regulations on
  3. Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy (Schumpeter)
  4. Chen, Jane
  5. Childhood's End (Clarke)
  6. Cities
    1. assessing maker engagement of your
    2. becoming a “Maker City”
  7. Citywide academic makerspace ecosystem
  8. Clustered Systems
  9. CNC ShopBot
  10. College and junior colleges makerspaces
  11. Community center makerspaces
  12. Computer numerically controlled (CDC) machines
  13. Corporations
    1. assessing maker engagement of your
    2. maker responses and leadership support of
  14. Coughlin, Bill
  15. Creativity
    1. examples of maker
    2. of new maker processes
  16. CRISPR technology
  17. Crowdfunding


  1. DIY lifestyle company
  2. Dorsey, Jack
  3. Dotz, Dara
  4. Drones


  1. EB-5 program
  2. Economic development
    1. case studies of
    2. examples of economic benefits of
  3. Educational revolution
    1. examples of the
    2. making education more experiential
    3. proposals for classroom makerspace labs
    4. Seymour Papert's ideas on
    5. See also Training
  4. Electric cars
  5. Emberlight
  6. Embrace ...

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