When the Magic of Money Printing Wears Off

Central banks no longer print money. . . . Money is “created” by tapping out a few strokes on a computer keyboard. . . . Don’t you wish you could put money in your bank account, by just entering the amount you wish to add, via your keyboard, into your computer?

Of course you do. So why is what is desirable yet highly illegal for us, good enough for our government?

We’ve struck a devil’s bargain. Central bankers hold all the power over our money. They determine the supply and damage its worth. And they are but puppets of the government. We quit the gold standard, removing the only objective way to determine the value of cash.

Why did we take the devil’s hand? Because we were told that central banks would increase stability in markets. That vigilance on the part of these smart men would keep the value of our dollar steady. Heh.

Let’s just look at the number of crises.

While we were on a version of the gold standard known as the Bretton Woods Exchange Rate System, we had one crisis every decade, on average. That seems like a lot, yes?

After 1971, when we cut our last ties to gold and put all faith in the great central banks, did we do better? No. We now enjoy about two crises per year!

Does that seem like stability to you?

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