Feel Like You Don’t Know Where to Begin? Start Your Own Investing Group

Use peer pressure to help you achieve all of your dollar-proofing goals.

In 2010, a group of American and Chilean researches followed a group of entrepreneurs. Instead of going it on their own, this group met regularly. They set weekly savings targets, set goals, and discussed failings.

Over the course of the year, the meet-up group socked away twice as much savings as the control group that didn’t meet at all. Consider it “keeping up with the Joneses” turned toward positive, proactive goals.

We know the benefits of this kind of community. It’s why we’ve gathered a host of newsletter advisors and top analysts at Agora Financial. You can follow my ongoing advice to get out of the U.S. dollar in my newsletter “Addison Wiggin’s Apogee Advisory.” And you can join our community by participating in a special lesson-filled, interactive forum called Essential Investor.

I like gold so much that although I am a fairly substantial holder personally, I’d like to see the price go lower, so that I could add to my position. Frankly, in the context of gold being, at least in some measure, a form of catastrophe insurance, I hope the price of gold never rises, and that the events that I fear never occur, but I think the likelihood of that is very low.

Rick Rule, Sprott Asset Management


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