Michael Covel Gives a Total Strategy

Michael Covel, founder of TurtleTrader.com, thinks the great opportunities in traditional investing are dead. Forget buy and hold, he says. In manipulated, manufactured markets, uncertainty rules and surprise is the order of the day.

This spells one certainty: volatility.

Regular crashes are the best-case scenario. Complete market collapse is the worst.

Does this have him discouraged? Far from it.

He told us:

As I look ahead I can safely make one prediction: all markets will trend either up or down. Unfortunately, there is no way to know for sure when each market will rise or fall. Across this backdrop I consider technical trend following strategies one of your best chances to profit and protect what you already have. If you look ahead 10 years into the future, and the USD has crashed by 50 percent, trend following will be the one strategy that will have made the most money via a dollar collapse. It will ride the dollar down, euro down and gold up and make money on all three. And if there is a reversal, it will ride ’em back the other way. Trend following’s agnostic nature makes it the single best investing opportunity today.

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