Chapter 8. Become the CEO of You, Inc.: Get Wise, Get Smart, Get (Further) Educated

As hard as it is to invest successfully, it is even harder to earn and save money.

Fortunately, you are chair and CEO of You, Inc.—the company that generates the income stream that fuels your life and will eventually power your retirement and your estate. It is worth paying enormous attention to this role, since—unless you are heir to a large fortune—it is the engine behind everything else. Much of your life will be devoted to transforming what economists call your human capital—your brains, your skills, your work habits, your winning personality and good looks—into financial capital. Our goal in this Little Book is to help you optimize this process.

Your education powers this advancement. What's this? You say you've already been to college and it's too late to redo the past? Not so; for one thing, you probably know some young people who could benefit from this advice. If these young people happen to be your children, then they especially need to hear it, since you want them to earn a lot of money to support you in your old age.

If you are in your forties or fifties, you may also have noticed that your income has plateaued. This is partly because your knowledge base has become stale. You might have experience but a young kid out of graduate school knows all the new stuff that's cool. He also works cheaper than you do and has a network of friends who will be remaking your business over the next decade. ...

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