
This book would not have been possible without the significant contributions made by my many collaborators who are cited throughout this book. Their experiences have combined to present Accenture's holistic point of view on enterprise Lean Six Sigma transformation and customer value creation. To assemble and manage such an array of topics and thought capital into a single, seamless treatise was only possible through the industry and expertise of our talented associate writer, Sue Reynard.

I would like to recognize Accenture's leaders, Walt Shill and Matt Reilly, who sponsored and truly enabled this project; whose support I am greatly appreciative.

Over this last year, my wife Irma and my children, Mark Jr. and Paloma have sacrificed countless days to allow me to dedicate myself to this project, over cherished family time. For their patience and understanding, I'm eternally grateful.

Finally, the most important acknowledgment is to my father, Michael George, who set me out on this course of authorship and who has been and shall remain my source of personal, professional, and spiritual inspiration.

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