
Without the help, support and inspiration from those around me throughout my life, this book would never have been written and my life would have been very different. While there are many who have guided, prodded and cajoled me into what I am, there are a few people to whom I would like to specifically say a big “thank you” in the context of this book.

Firstly, my wife Helen, who has supported and put up with me for over 30 years and kept believing in me, even when things haven't gone quite according to plan.

To Jim Prendergast, a Partner with PricewaterhouseCoopers, who recognised the Lean in me and let me loose to practise and develop my skills. His mentorship helped me to turn some good concepts and rough thoughts into practical approaches to helping people see the light. To the others in the “Lean Team” at PwC who were instrumental in a lot of the thinking behind this book.

To James C. Paterson, author of Lean Auditing and a colleague from my time at AstraZeneca. James very kindly introduced me to his contact at Wiley which opened the door to turning a pipe dream into reality. To Gemma from Wiley who sponsored this book and has been very patient with me during the writing and publishing process.

Thank you all for your help, support and encouragement.

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