Tax-Exempt Organizations: Other Operations and Restructuring

§ 31.1 Organizational Considerations

(a) Form

(c) Control

§ 31.2 Operational Considerations

(a) Expenses

§ 31.3 Mergers

§ 31.3A Reorganizations (New)

§31.6 Single-Member Limited Liability Companies

§31.7 Low-Profit Limited Liability Companies

§ 31.8 Choice of Entity Considerations

(b) Federal Tax Law


(a) Form

p. 938, n. 5. Insert as first sentence:

An organization had its exempt status revoked in part because it was, in the view of the IRS, “run like a sole proprietorship” (Priv. Ltr. Rul. 201035035).

(c) Control

p. 941, fourth paragraph. Insert as last sentence:

This manifestation of control is not always suitable, as illustrated by an exempt school that entered into a plan of separation with an exempt church, which was its sole member, by which the school became an independent entity; this was done in part to preserve the school's accreditation.25.1


(a) Expenses

p. 943, last paragraph. Insert as second sentence:

For example, the IRS approved of an arrangement pursuant to which a tax-exempt business league will be sharing its employees with a public charity and an exempt union, with the association being reimbursed by these two entities for their respective shares of the employees' cost.37.1

p. 943, last paragraph, last sentence. Delete Where this practice cannot be avoided, however, and insert: Irrespective of the reimbursement ...

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