Definition of and Rationales for Tax-Exempt Organizations

*§ 1.2 Definition of Tax-Exempt Organization

§ 1.7 Freedom of Association Doctrine


p. 7. Insert as second complete paragraph:

This anomaly of a tax-exempt organization being an entity that is subject to various taxes is addressed in the Internal Revenue Code. There it is written that an organization that is exempt from tax15.1 shall nonetheless be subject to certain taxes15.2 but, notwithstanding that tax exposure, “shall be considered an organization exempt from income taxes for the purpose of any law which refers to organizations exempt from income taxes.”15.3 The IRS advanced the argument that an organization, having paid tax on unrelated business income for some of its years, should not be considered a tax-exempt organization for a federal tax law purpose,15.4 but that argument was rejected by a court as being inconsistent with the purpose of the quoted statute.15.5

p. 8, n. 28, second line. Delete measures and insert measure.

p. 8, n. 28, third line. Delete Although the and insert The.

p. 8, n. 28, fourth line. Delete comma and insert semicolon.

p. 8, n. 28. Create second paragraph, beginning with fourth sentence.

*p. 8, n. 28. Delete existing third sentence and substitute:

The staff of Congress's Joint Committee on Taxation estimated that, for the federal government's fiscal years 2013–2017, the tax expenditure for the income tax charitable contribution deduction ...

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