Technique 18

HIT Matrix

Compare existing solutions to spark new breakthroughs.


A HIT matrix compares the characteristics of two seemingly unrelated products or services to develop new ideas. What do you get when you combine the characteristics of a high-speed, wide-bandwidth Internet connection with a very high-definition viewing and audio device? Taking other characteristics into consideration (such as fiber optic cable, a boosted wireless signal, and high-quality earphones), you can get an awesome movie watching experience anywhere in your home.

HIT, short for Heuristic Ideation Technique, was developed by marketing professor Edward M. Tauber, who found that new products are typically a combination of characteristics from two or more existing products. HIT matrix is a simple but beneficial tool to jump-start your team's creativity in search of innovative ideas.


Scenario: In the very competitive travel industry, most businesses target a high volume of low-paying customers through cheap, no-frills service. However, Innovative Railways hopes to catch the attention of fewer, high-paying customers by offering a luxury experience for mid-distance business travelers. A HIT matrix will help Innovative Railways develop ideas for an innovative solution that fulfills customer expectations.

1. Select Existing Items

Choose two products, services, or brands that seem to have no apparent connection and are not already overtly combined. These could be offerings from your company, or ...

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