To get a quick snapshot of how the culture of your organisation performs across the dimensions that matter, take a few minutes to complete this questionnaire.

Please rate your agreement with each item on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 = strongly disagree, 2 = disagree, 3 = neither agree nor disagree, 4 = agree, and 5 = strongly agree.

Individual-level factors
1 People are adequately challenged in their roles — not so little that they are bored and not so much that they are overwhelmed.
2 I'm excited by the challenges I face in my role.
3 People in my organisation have the freedom to complete their tasks in any way that they see fit.
4 I have a sense of control over my work.
5 In my organisation, people's efforts in generating and implementing creative ideas are recognised.
6 I receive recognition for my innovation efforts.
Team-level factors
7 My team actively shares diverse viewpoints and opinions, even if they are conflicting.
8 I feel comfortable expressing an opposing opinion to others in my team.
9 My team really listens when we share new ideas.
10 In my team, people are very supportive of my ideas.
11 In my organisation, collaboration across departments is a common occurrence.
12 My organisation often collaborates with other types of companies, such as universities and start-ups.
Leader-level factors
13 My manager encourages me to come up with new ideas.
14 My manager ...

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