The Call

Jeff didn't recognize the number. He had never talked to Ted on the phone.

“This is Jeff.”

“Jeff, it's Ted Marchbanks.”

“Hey, Ted. I was just checking to see if you'd sent me your references yet. What's up?”

“Well, about that. After lunch today, I sat down and talked to my wife. And,” he stammered, “well, I'm thinking that maybe I shouldn't be diving back into work so quickly.”

Jeff was stunned. “Wow. Tell me more about that.”

“It's just that maybe I'm being a little impulsive,” Ted said, impassively. “I don't know if I'm ready to walk away from retirement just yet.”

Jeff didn't believe a word that he was hearing. It all sounded like an excuse to him. He was stunned.

“I have to tell you, I'm a little surprised,” Jeff said. “Or maybe ...

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