

Advertising Pure and Simple, 42

Advocate’s approach, 165180, 184, 201, 207

Allen key, 153155

Altschuler, Margie, 21

Ambition. See Real ambition

Angelou, Maya, 189

Angry Birds, 192193


construction of, 167168, 180

definition of, 165, 180

facts and evidence used in, 172

importance of, 173

logical, 167

opening statement of, 172

oral, 168

pitch as, 166

structure of, 169171

theorem, 168169

Asking questions, 6770

Associative method

for finding your core, 9093

for identifying your credo, 118120

AT&T, 31

Axelroad, Don, 8586


Beliefs, 123

Black Jerusalem, 200

Bly, Robert, 8990

Body language, 6364

Bonds, 117, 123

Bours, Jeroen, 54, 181

Brief, 6162, 68, 157

Brutal simplicity of thought, 152153

Buoyancy, 44


Cable and Wireless, ...

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