About Global Intelligence Alliance

Global Intelligence Alliance (GIA) helps companies set up and develop world class market intelligence (MI) programs. In addition to consulting and software tools, we provide strategic research, analysis and advisory for decision making. With the proprietary knowledge GIA has developed over time, we serve our clients using world class intelligence best practices and a strong client mindset.

GIA was established in 1995 by a team of MI specialists, management consultants, industry analysts and technology experts. Since the beginning, we have differentiated ourselves with our Intelligence PartnershipTM approach. Our service offering covers the entire range of MI requirements, and today we are the preferred partner for organizations seeking to understand, compete and grow in international markets. Our industry expertise and coverage of over 100 countries enables our customers to make better informed decisions worldwide.

To learn more about GIA’s global clients or career opportunities, or to sign up for events and to subscribe to the thought-leading GIA White Papers and Bulletins, visit www.globalintelligence.com.

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