
This book is the work of its authors but without the support of our colleagues, people we met on seminars, and the referees of the papers we published, all of this would not have been possible. We would like to thank explicitly Professor Luc Keuleneer (KPMG), Professor Stefan Poedts (KU Leuven), Professor Theo Vermaelen (INSEAD), Professor Jan Dhaene (KU Leuven), Professor Dilip Madan (University of Maryland), and Professor Jose Manuel Corcuera (Universitat de Barcelona) for their support. Our gratitude goes to Philippe Jabre, Julien-Dumas Pilhou, Romain Cosandey, James Cleary, Jan-Hinnerk Richter, Henry Hale, Philipe Riachi, and Mark Cecil from Jabre Capital Partners (Geneva) for their guidance and advice. Many thanks to Francesca Campolongo, Jessica Cariboni, Francesca Di Girolamo, and Henrik Jonsson from the Joint Research Centre (European Commission), Wim Allegaert (KBC) and Stan Maes (DG Internal Market and Financial Services at the European Commission). We thank David Cox and the staff at London Financial Studies. From Assenagon Asset Management we remember our productive cooperation with Vassilios Pappas, Michael Hunseler, Robert Edwin Van Kleeck, and Stephan Hoecht. Our gratitude and respect also go to Marc Colman, Carole Bernard, and Andrea Mosconi from Bloomberg for the enthusiasm and professionalism with which they embrace the asset class of convertible bonds.

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