
Note: Page numbers followed by “f” and “t” indicate figures and tables respectively


Account access restriction
administrator level password, 105
advanced button, 105106
automatic login, 105
general tab, 104105
infrared remote, 106
password change, 104
system preferences, 103104
ACP applications, 226
DNS tab, 227
GET tab, 227
more on, 225228
Othello (game), 226
Rorschach (screen saver), 226
Scan tab, 227
Spike, 226227
Swapwatch, 227228
toys, tools, 226
undercover application, 226
Ad blocker, need for separate, 220
Adblock Plus, 219220
block list, 220
completion page, 220
installation process, 219220
Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR), 194
Advanced persistent threat (APT)
Bonjour and AFP, 94
DNS packets, 9495
traffic, 94

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