
Accidental Ambassadors, 200–201

Acid rain, 26

Ad hoc eco-champions network, 94

Advanced Waste Water Purification Systems (AWWPS), 158

Adventure tourism, 253–261

    definition of, 253

    examples of, 256–257

    future of, 258–261

    history of, 254–256

    vs. mass tourism, 257–258

Adventure travel, key aspects, 255–256

Agritourism, 38, 233–241

    farm-based learning, 239

    farmers markets, 237

    farm stays, 238

    farm-to-table dining experiences, 237–238

    farm tours, 236–237

    history of, 234

    lodgings and, 238

    Sonoma county, 235–236

Alaska Conservation Society, 132

Alila Hotels and Resorts Ltd. (AHR), 76

Altruism, 181

Altruvista Connects program, 184

Altruvistas Journey’s checklist, for social good, 185–187

Altruvistas ...

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