What Not to Do at Your Garage Sale

Do Not Let Strangers in Your Home . . . EVER!

The major point I want you all to know and never forget, is to NEVER LET ANYONE INTO YOUR HOME UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE. There are a few essential reasons why this is a good strategy:

People have been known to get into your house and case it. These strangers look over the contents within your home, see what they can find of value and check how your home is laid out for easy access and a quick exit. This is commonly referred to as casing the joint. Experienced thieves take everything they see into consideration so they can return later and rob you. Not good!
People have also been known to come into your house and take items while you’re distracted or when you’re not paying attention. Again, not good!
The shoppers and customers who come into your home to use the bathroom facilities might not be up to your level of cleanliness. The last thing you want to do is to clean up after a stranger who improperly uses your bathroom. This goes way beyond not good!

As you can see by the previous examples, nothing good can result by letting strangers into your house. In advance of your garage sale, make up some plausible excuses you’re comfortable with using to avoid these types of situations. For example, you have a baby asleep inside, you have a sick parent or you own a dog that doesn’t really get along with strangers. Whatever the reason is, always be prepared to convey it at a moment’s notice.

Never Take Checks ...

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