Putting on the World’s Greatest Garage Sale

My lifelong fascination with garage sales began at a very young age. I was only seven years old when I held my first sale with my mom. I didn’t really know why I even wanted to hold a garage sale. I saw other families in my neighborhood having garage sales but I just didn’t quite get it. What was the big deal, anyway? When you’re seven years old, it seemed as though people were going though a lot of trouble and effort for nothing. Since garage sales were usually held on a Saturday and Sunday, like all day Saturday and Sunday, that meant the sale took away a chunk of some very serious play time. Why would I ever want to sacrifice having lots of fun? What a totally boring way to waste the weekend!

It couldn’t have been about the money. The concept of free market economics in buying and selling physical goods for money and hopefully turning a profit was just barely starting to sink in at such a young age.

I did notice one characteristic all the families who did hold garage sales had in common. Every single one of our neighbors seemed to be having serious amounts of fun when they did this sort of thing. Of course, being seven years old, I wanted to have fun too! After a lengthy discussion with my mom, I convinced her we needed to have some fun like the neighbors, so we should have a garage sale of our own. My mom agreed and my first garage sale was a go.

My favorite place in my home is the Presidents Room.

After my first sale ...

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