
Boldface page numbers refer to figures

Append edit 67, 71, 83

Apple 12, 38, 216; devices 210; encoding application 213; ProRes option 206

audio: channel 72; controls 142; detached from video 86; directing flow of 713; effects 129, 129, 138, 1402; gain filter 132; keyframes 118, 11819; mix 11921; output 1245; pan controls 1257; production for video/film 112; separate from video 657, 89, 92; sound mixing 112, 113; soundtrack soloing 97

Audio Analysis 134

Audio Animation 132, 132, 133, 133

Audio Enhancements 134, 134, 135, 135

audio fade 11617, 119; using Range Tool 117, 11718

audio level: automated loudness 1334; within a clip 114, 11415, 115; with gain filter 12931

audio meters 114, 114, 115

Audio Only, editing 72

audio tracks ...

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