Don't be Stupid

“Our budget is tight. Let's change the team-building exercise we have planned into a self-help study course.”

—Action item from a leadership strategy session

No one is calling you stupid. Actually, stupid is the opposite of what you are. You are probably one of the smartest people in any room you enter. You are likely well educated, experienced, and qualified to become a great leader. You are respected and your team really wants to help you succeed.

But, sometimes your team is asked to do things that seem to them, quite frankly, stupid. Of course it is not intentional, so maybe you could eliminate some choices that wind up making them look foolish.

Every leader gets caught up in the pressure of the moment and does things that—upon reflection—were pretty stupid. Dumb things like: hiring in haste, rewarding actions that work against what you are really trying to accomplish, not paying attention to the needs of your team, or piling on more work and leading your superstars directly to burnout and checkout.

The first section of the book will address areas where many have looked stupid in the past and provide some suggestions to make smarter decisions in the future.

You can become the leader you want to be! Make smarter choices and win with class, beginning right now.

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