
“Most of the leadership issues we have to address are because of stupid mistakes or the leader acts like a jerk.”

Those were words shared several years ago by my friend and colleague, Ken Carnes. Ken is the best executive coach on the planet and we began paying attention—could successful leadership really be so simple? Since then, our observations have confirmed that—although other factors are important—the first two rules of leadership are that simple—don't be stupid and don't be a jerk. Long-term success ultimately depends on making smart decisions based on accurate information and treating others as real people who have dreams, hopes, and desires to do well.

Thank you, Ken, for being by my side in four different organizations. We have enjoyed quite a ride.

Thanks to our CornerStone team, especially to Barbara Bartlett, Melissa Cabana, and Michele Lucia, who all have worked with me for almost 20 years.

Thanks to Matt Holt from Wiley, who accepted my proposal during a five-minute telephone conversation. And to his team who put it all together—Liz Gildea, Shannon Vargo, Deborah Schindlar, and Peter Knox. You have made the production of this book a delight.

And thanks to Lee Colan, Juli Baldwin, Lee Reid, Bill Cattlette, Bob Biddle, Gary Russi, Stephen Williford, and especially my wife, Madeline, for adding some nice seasoning to the book.

Most of all, I'd like to thank God. Thank you for the gift of Jesus and the privilege of sharing with millions of people worldwide ...

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