
24PA video

capture settings in Final Cut Pro, 27

mixing with 24P video, 29

output cadence settings in Final Cut Pro, 28

reverse telecine, 27

2 K, 173

2:3:3:2 cadence, see 24PA video


A and B roll

A-B rolling, 198199

fade-in, 205

Adobe Illustrator, title generation and

import, 120121

ADR, see Automatic dialogue replacement

Alpha channel, titles, 124126

Anamorphic finish, film, 7071

Anamorphic telecine, overview, 45

Answer print, definition, 59

Arriflex D20, 174175

Aspect ratio

letterboxing, 183187

overview, 183

pan and scan, 187188

Audio, see also Sound design

film pull down, 37

music, see Music

online editing, 87


analog versus digital, 3536

digital capture, 41

tape capture, 4142

Sound Track Pro, see Sound Track Pro ...

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