
When this book was initially conceived, social media was still considered a relatively new phenomenon, and the main purpose of the book was to address the sense of skepticism expressed by many top executives about the value of social media in enterprise-level business environments.

In the few months between this initial conception and the launch of the book project, the notion that social media was some kind of trend or fad had pretty much vanished. It was replaced by a more palpable sense of awareness that social media was growing and evolving so rapidly that only a fool would purposely ignore it.

This heightened sense of astonishment pushed the book in a different direction, and the finished text you are reading reflects this shift in emphasis. The original book would have started at the 40,000-foot level and stayed there for the duration. This version of the book offers a much broader and more immediately practical view of the current state of corporate social media. Most important, it includes actionable advice that can be put to use by any company, right now.

The Executive’s Guide to Enterprise Social Media Strategy is composed of three parts: Part I is a high-level strategic overview of the impact of newer social collaborative technologies on society, culture, and business. It serves as a prelude and a foundation for Parts II and III, which dive into the nitty-gritty tactical details of developing and managing successful corporate social media strategies. Parts II ...

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