
Accuracy, Brevity, Clarity (ABCs) of writing

apostrophes misusage, 70–71

capitalization errors, 73–74

dangling and misplaced modifiers, 75–76

flabby expressions, 77–78

hyphen usage, 72

long lead-ins, 78

number usage, 73

passive voice usage, 76–77

pronoun usage, 77

redundant expression, 78–79

semicolons and commas, 74–75

subject–verb agreement, 71–72

supplementary resources, 69–70

Analogy, 106

Authority principle, 90

Business communication

breakdown, 25–26

content message, 22

credibility, 27–28

decoding barriers

attributional biases, 40

cognitive schemas, 39–40

information overload, 40–41

listening, 41–43

selective perception process, 41

definition, 31

effective communicator, 24–25, 29–30

effective meeting, 18–19

e-mail usage

bulleted and ...

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