This section of the reference guides provides an overview of how to write color values for the Web, as well as a full list of supported color names. See the "Color theory" section in Chapter 4 for a discussion of color theory.

Color values

On the Web, colors are displayed by mixing red, green, and blue (RGB) light. Values range from 0 to 255 and can be written as such (e.g., rgb(5,233,70)), but they are more commonly written in hexadecimal. Colors written in hex consist of a hash sign (#) followed by six digits. The six digits are made up of pairs, representing the red, green, and blue color values, respectively.

  • #XXxxxx: Red color value

  • #xxXXxx: Green color value

  • #xxxxXX: Blue color value

Hexadecimal notation is a numbering ...

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