
I am indebted to many people who have influenced me in the development of this book. I am grateful to all of those who have taken the EQ-i, EQ-i 2.0, EQ360, and MSCEIT, contributing to our knowledge base of emotional intelligence and leadership. I hope that the experience has been enlightening and rewarding for you.

The term emotional intelligence as it is widely used today is due to the work of Peter Salovey and John (Jack) Mayer. They also developed the first ability model of emotional intelligence. The concept of EQ and the model behind the EQ-i 2.0 was originated by Reuven Bar-On.

I want to thank all of the great people who work at MHS who enabled me to have the time and resources to pull this book together under tight deadlines. Thanks to Hazel Wheldon who leads our teams and ensures that everything at MHS runs smoothly. I want to thank my assistants Justin Deonarine and Donna Penticost and all our research and development people who contributed—including, but not limited to—Blaine Mackie (for his great editing and helping to fix so many details), Jonathan Stermac, and Lindsay Ayearst.

I want to thank for their contributions Navy SEAL LCDR (Ret.) Chris Auger and Lia Grimanis. I am grateful to Chris Bart and Michael Hartmann of The Directors College for the opportunity they provided to share information and collect data. I also want to thank Eric Lawrence and Rob Lanni, music artist managers and directors of Coalition Music, who have taught me a lot about ...

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