Chapter 21
George Has a Dream
That night after one of the most productive days at work George had experienced in years, he had a dream. He was driving a bus and on it were his employees, his wife, and his children. The bus was racing down the mountain toward a big black hole in the ground. Just as the bus was about to crash and explode, an invisible hand lifted the bus, George, and all his passengers to safety. Then as George, his team, and his family stood on a ledge overlooking the abyss an incredible feeling of peace came over him, and he heard a whisper call out to him, “Trust that great things are happening.” He had woken up in a deep sweat thinking about the launch and his team.
He realized that the most critical three days of his life lay before him, yet he also had an incredible feeling of calm that somehow it would all work out. Somehow it would all come together. The feeling even surprised him, but after the last week and a half he was getting used to surprises. Life, he was learning, could change in a flash. One minute you think you’re headed toward certain destruction and the next you’re sitting on a bus strategizing about business with a bunch of people who probably never actually had taken a business class in their lives. The biggest surprise of all is that what they say actually works. Yes, George was getting used to surprises.

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