Chapter 10
Danny pulled out rule #2 on a piece of paper which said:
Rule #2
Desire, Vision, and Focus Move Your Bus in the Right Direction.
Joy turned around, looked at George, and said, “It’s all about focus, George.” Without focus buildings don’t get built, paintings don’t get painted, and energy gets scattered. You told us what you want. You shared your vision. Now I want to help you turn that vision into reality, and it all starts with thoughts.”
“How are my thoughts going to make my work and marriage better?” George asked in a skeptical tone.
“The energy of thought as we discussed,” Joy answered confidently. “Each day I want you to focus on your vision for 10 minutes and see yourself creating everything you wrote down on that paper. You see, Georgey, there is a law of energy.”
“It’s called the law of attraction!” Marty shouted from the back of the bus.
“That’s right. The law of attraction,” Joy continued, “and it says that the more we focus on something, the more we think about something, the more it shows up in our lives. For instance I bet every time you buy a new car you start seeing it everywhere on the road.”
George nodded, knowing it was true.
“Ever wonder why that is?” Joy asked rhetorically. But before George could answer Joy said, “Because thoughts are magnetic. What we think about, we attract. What we think about expands and grows. What we put our energy and ...

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