
activists, 183

Acton, Lord, 57–58, 63, 156

Adams, John, 29, 32, 106, 212n11

Adams, Samuel, 174

Adbusters, 176, 183, 237n11

AFL-CIO, 184

agency, 71

Age of Extremes, The (Hobsbawm), 74

Agle, Bradley, 149

air traffic controllers, 56

Alaska Permanent Fund, 124, 125

Alien Tort Claims Act, 232n46

Allen, Woody, 65

American Bar Association, 139, 220–21n1

American Management Association (AMA), 75

American Revolution, 82–83, 98, 106, 130, 217n18

Committees of Correspondence, 174, 185

American Revolution, The (Fiske), 174

American Telephone and Telegraph (AT&T), 36, 137, 224–25n11

Anchor, Robert, 72

annual reports, 102, 104–5

antique ideas, 19–20

antitakeover legislation, 138–39

antitrust enforcement, 137

Appleby, Joyce, 162–63

Arcata (California) ...

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