
= 0 279

?= 326

100% C compatibility 101

2.0, Release 187

7-bit character 158

8-bit character set 161

:, comp.lang.c++ 168

,, operator 247

%: digraph 160

%:%: digraph 160

%> digraph 160

*, ** and 248


and * 248

exponentiation operator 247

*^, exponentiation operator 249


increment operator 245

prefix and postfix 245


decrement operator 245

prefix and postfix 245


delegation and 242

operator 241

->*, operator 247


:: vs. 95

operator 242

.*, operator 247

..., ellipsis 333


BCPL comments 44, 93

and C compatibility 93


explicit qualification 412

vs.. 95

:> digraph 160

<% digraph 160

<...> syntax 341, 355

<: digraph 160


operator 186

output operator 186


Release 2.0 82

operator 239

>> problem with template syntax 356



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