

4-V Model, 179, 182

value measures, 179-181

variance measures, 182-183

velocity measures, 181-182

volume measures, 179


ABC inventory classification, 140

additive models, 107-108

aggregate inventory control, 143-148

air carriage, in-transit stock, 17, 165

assortment, 169-170

assumptions of regression, 108-109

Average Inventory, 179


balanced perspective, inventory, 4

balanced scorecard (BSC), 185-186

Benetton, 161

BOM, 142

BSC (balanced scorecard), 185-186

bullwhip, 158-160

costs, 159

versus risk pooling, 159


C2C (Cash-to-Cash Cycle), 182

calibration, inventory simulations, 127-128

case packs, 170

Cash-to-Cash Cycle (C2C), 182

casual models, 103


additive and multiplicative models, 107-108

assumptions of ...

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