Chapter 20

Programming with Embedded OS


This chapter introduces the basic concepts of embedded OS, CMSIS-RTOS, and an introduction of the Keil® RTX, which is an embedded OS based on CMSIS-RTOS. This is followed by various examples that illustrate how to use CMSIS-RTOS APIs with Keil RTX, and how to debug applications that use Keil RTX.


CMSIS-RTOS API; Debug and trouble shooting; Embedded OS and Real-time OS in microcontrollers; Keil® RTX OS kernel; Memory pool; Message queue and mail queue; OS event; OS timer and delay; RTX configurations; Semaphores and MUTEX

20.1. Introduction

20.1.1. Background

In Chapter 10 we covered the hardware features in the Cortex®-M0 and Cortex-M0+ processors related to OS operations:
• Banked stack pointers ...

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