Cucumber’s Runtime Options

Let’s start by exploring the runtime options. Cucumber provides a --help option, which you can invoke from the command line (you’ll need to have cucumber-core.jar and gherkin.jar on your classpath):

$ ​java cucumber.api.cli.Main --help
Usage: java cucumber.api.cli.Main [options] [ [FILE|DIR][:LINE[:LINE]*] ]+
-g, --glue PATH
Where glue code is loaded from.
-p, --plugin PLUGIN[:PATH_OR_URL]
Register a plugin.
Built-in PLUGIN types: junit, html, pretty, progress, json, usage,
rerun. PLUGIN can also be a fully qualified class name, allowing
registration of 3rd party plugins.
-f, --format FORMAT[:PATH_OR_URL]
Deprecated. Use --plugin instead.
Only run ...

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