Implementing Our First Step Definition

We’ve decided this first release of our checkout is going to be a class that takes the price list and the items being bought as arguments to a method. So, our job in the step definition for Given the price of a banana is 40c is just to remember the price of bananas. In the step_definitions folder, edit the file so that the first step definition looks like this:

@Given(​"^the price of a \"(.*?)\" is (\\d+)c$"​)
public​ ​void​ thePriceOfAIsC(​String​ name, ​int​ price) ​throws​ ​Throwable​ {
int​ bananaPrice = price;

Great, that was easy. Now, where were we again? Well, we’ve written some Java code so we’ll need to compile the ...

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