Chapter 2What Types of Businesses, Projects, and Inventions Can Get Funded

You already know that just about any type of project idea can get funded using reward-based crowd funding, assuming the right combination of factors comes into play. Keep in mind, not all project ideas and campaigns are suitable for all crowd funding platforms. Choosing the right platform for your project idea is essential.

Also, just because you think you’ve come up with a brilliant project idea, that doesn’t mean there will be a demand for it. Even if you have come up with a great idea and there is a demand for it, a crowd funding campaign can still fail to get funded if you don’t convey the right details about your project in the right way, or if some aspect of your marketing message or campaign is off target.

On any given day, there are thousands of crowd funding campaigns running simultaneously on each of the popular crowd funding platforms, and the scope of each project is as different as the individuals who have created them.


As you’ll discover, projects need to have ...

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