Chapter 17

They Said Yes! Now What Do You Say?

Congrats, you made the sale. You cracked The Conversion Code! Now finish the call strong so they don't back out before you get paid. “Hit and run” selling is when a salesperson makes a sale and then within a second or two says, “Okay, thanks, bye” or “Okay, great. I will be in touch. Good-bye.”

It's a rookie move that we make in the heat of the moment, and it is easily avoided with a simple script. As soon as someone finishes reading you their payment information, you are going to say exactly what you said when you identified the exact moment to close in Chapter 13: “Great. So, here's what happens next.” But instead of foreshadowing the next steps in buying like you did last time, this time you are going to foreshadow the next steps in being a customer. Like, “Now I am going to get you over everything you bought, plus some additional information you will find useful that we send our new customers. Then, this is going to happen. Then finally, that happens. Got it? Good!”

In all seriousness, come up with exactly what you want to say after they say yes. You will be hearing it a lot more now!

Many commissioned sales jobs have what is called a “claw back,” where they take money back out of a future check if someone cancels after they buy. There is no worse feeling in sales than having your commission taken back. By foreshadowing the next steps in the process as soon as they buy, you can do your part in reducing churn and keeping cancellations ...

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