Buyer behavior has evolved and will continue to evolve through time. The more information buyers have access to, the less dependent they are on traditional sources of information—salespeople. Thanks to the Internet and the wealth of information it provides, buyers are more informed and more comfortable evaluating options on their own. As a result, buyers are more knowledgeable and more empowered than ever before.

Anything or anyone that does not add value to their buying process is eliminated, including high-pressure or situationally unknowledgeable salespeople. Buyers are never again going to relinquish power, or control of their buying process, to aggressive sellers who do not have their best interest at heart.

Further, we live in a world of uncertainty, with more unpredictability than ever before. Global economic uncertainties and the recent global recessions have made individual buyers as well as the companies they represent realize, perhaps once and for all, that they must see results and maximize their return on investment in every purchase. This means buyers are more cautious than ever and they are acutely aware of the risks of making bad decisions. In order to spread the risk, they involve many more people and often form buying committees in their rigorous evaluations. If today's buyers aren't convinced about the results and the value of a purchase, they simply choose to do nothing at all.

Due to these trends, sales professionals must adapt. The good news is that ...

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