Capitalized terms have their own listing in the glossary * A term from Situational Intelligence

ANDROID n. — popular (now defunct) nickname for a member of a particular Big Five auditing and consulting organization active throughout most of the 20th Century

ASSOCIATE n. — a work acquaintance, often indicating a Family connection

BABYSITTIN — to monitor closely (See Tabs.)

BALL (eye on/off da ∼) — to maintain/ lose concentration

BIN — been

BLUE (out da ∼) — unexpectedly

BOTTOM LINE — a concise statement of a situation’s most salient impact in raw terms

BUSINESS (close of ∼) — end of the working day

CARDS FACE UP — without pretence

CLIENT — informally: anyone with whom a coach interacts in a business setting

CLOSED (a ∼ question) — any ...

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