Chapter 12Clarity About What we are Trying to Achieve and Why

‘Surely clarity is the most beautiful thing in the world.’

Goerge Oppen8

We covered this in detail in Chapter 2, so here I shall be brief.

Being clear about what you are trying to achieve and why is critical to success.

The desired business outcomes must be clear, realistic and measurable.

You need to paint a picture of the future for your staff and provide them with a narrative concerning what the future will look like – and ensure this vision of the future is both credible and motivational. The vision of the future must be relevant to everyone; tailored for all levels of the organisation. In my experience, engaging every team in the act of translating the higher-level vision into something that is relevant to them pays enormous dividends.

And lastly, the reasons for the change must be genuine. You may not be able to provide the ‘real’ reason for the change, but the ‘right’ reason needs to be sincere, believable and something that people want to get behind.

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