
Sizes and Shapes of Filters

Filters come in several shapes, and in several sizes in each shape. Round filters may be attached to the matte box, to the lens itself using filter rings and sunshades for use without using a matte box, and smaller sizes may be used at the rear of lenses, or even inside certain lenses in special filter holders. Common sizes for round filters for the front of the lenses are Series 8, Series 8 1/2, Series 9, 4 1/2”, 138mm, and 6” round. At the rear, or inside the lenses, sizes like Series 5, Series 6,40.5mm, 47mm, 49mm, 52mm are used.

Square and rectangular filters are made to be used in a matte box, which attaches in most cases to the same rods that support the lenses. Typical square sizes include ...

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