

Adtech London, 23


behavioral targeting, 135

capturing attention, 116-118

contextual marketing, 135

contextual targeting, 136-137

gender stereotypes, 142-145

matching content and context, 141

names as labels, 146-149

facial expressions, importance of, 54-58


cocktail party effect, 48-49

“familiarity with a twist,” 46-47

matching law, 49-50

human nature, appealing to, 30-31

“The Most Interesting Man in the World” campaign, 131-132

Scientific Advertising, xvii

semantic targeting, 136

spokespeople, xi

“Whats My Number” campaign, 133

affirming decisions, confirmation bias, 172-177

age, impact on decision making, 169-170

Alemanno, Alberto, 20

Alter, Adam, 114, 146, 149, 169

Ambridge, Ben, 130

Amoo-Gottfried, Kofi, 163 ...

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