Chapter 6

Transform: Incremental Change Isn't Working

Together, we are designing the future. The past is not our reference point; tweaks won't do. We must create a wholly new vision and experiment our way to its emergence.

Principle 11. Tweaks Won't Do It


Incrementalism won't invent the future. Stay clear, focused, and certain of the goal—transformational change. Never back down and never compromise.

Transformation is more about creating next practices than implementing best practices. Everyone bows down to the all-important benchmark. How many times have you heard someone say, “You only get what you measure”? Most organizations commit to identifying and measuring performance against industry best practice. Many have recognized the value of looking outside of their industry for practices that might provide a source of competitive advantage. Adopting existing best practice makes sense if you want to improve the performance of your current business model. Going beyond the limits of your current business model requires a network-enabled capability to do R&D for new business models. The imperative is to build on best practices to explore and develop next practices. Business model innovation is about creating next practices.

Understanding best practices and applying them to increase business model productivity is an essential capability for all organizations. It is no surprise most ...

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