About the Authors

Wade Alcorn (@WadeAlcorn) has been in the IT security game for longer than he cares to remember. A childhood fascination with breaking stuff and solving puzzles put him on the path to his career.

Wade is the creator of BeEF (The Browser Exploitation Framework), which is considered one of the most popular tools for exploiting browsers. Wade is also the General Manager of the Asia Pacific arm of the NCC group, and has led security assessments targeting critical infrastructure, banks, retailers, and other enterprises.

Wade is committed to the betterment of IT security, and enjoys contributing to public groups and presenting at international conferences. He has published leading technical papers on emerging threats and has discovered vulnerabilities in widely used software.

Christian Frichot (@xntrik) has been into computers since the day his dad brought home an Amiga 1000. Having discovered it couldn't start Monkey Island with its measly 512KB of RAM, he promptly complained until the impressive 2MB extension was acquired. Since then, Christian has worked in a number of different IT industries, primarily Finance and Resources, until finally settling down to found Asterisk Information Security in Perth, Australia.

Christian is also actively involved in developing software; with a particular focus on data visualization, data analysis, and assisting businesses manage their security and processes more effectively. As one of the developers within the Browser Exploitation ...

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