retry: Attempt to Execute Code Again After an Error

If you think an error condition may be transient or may be corrected (by the user, perhaps?), you can rerun all the code in a begin..end block using the keyword retry, as in this example that prompts the user to re-enter a value if an error such as ZeroDivisionError occurs:


def doCalc
        print( "Enter a number: " )
        aNum = gets().chomp()
        result = 100 / aNum.to_i
    rescue Exception => e
        result = 0
        puts( "Error: " + e.to_s + "\nPlease try again." )
        retry           # retry on exception
        msg = "Result = #{result}"
        msg = "You entered '#{aNum}'. " + msg
    return msg


When you want to append the message from an exception object such as e to a string such as "Error: ", Ruby 1.9 insists ...

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