Export to MP3 or Ogg?

Now that your recording is all cleaned up, it is time to export it to a compressed lossy format, either Ogg Vorbis or MP3 (MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3, not MPEG-3). (Refer to Chapter 13 and Chapter 14 to learn how to enable MP3 support on Linux and Windows.)

MP3 is the universal portable digital audio format: Everything supports MP3. As we discussed in Chapter 1, there are differences between Ogg Vorbis and MP3. Some listeners claim that Ogg Vorbis delivers higher quality than MP3. At low bitrates, neither one sounds very good to me; rather, they sound flat and without character or depth. At higher bitrates, both sound acceptable, though I think Ogg delivers a more accurate, natural sound. MP3s sound a bit too-bright and crunchy. ...

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