This assignment asks you to use cookies to keep track of whether or not a user has visited a web page. The solution below uses Webmonkey's cookie library to set and read a cookie named was_here.

<html><head><title>Chapter 12 Assignment</title> <script type = "text/javascript"> <!-- hide me from older browsers // this is from the webmonkey cookie library at // function WM_readCookie(name) { if(document.cookie == '') { // there's no cookie, so go no further return false; } else { // there is a cookie var firstChar, lastChar; var theBigCookie = document.cookie; firstChar = theBigCookie.indexOf(name); // find the start of 'name' var NN2Hack = firstChar + name.length; if((firstChar != −1) && (theBigCookie.charAt(NN2Hack) ...

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