

A, an

A while, awhile

Abbreviation, acronym

Abbreviations, at end of sentences


Academic concerns: course titles vs. academic subjects; degrees

Accept, except

Active voice

Ad, add

Adapt, adopt

Adjectives; adverb forms of; commas with, before nouns; compound, hyphens with; defined; degrees of; good, well; phrases used as; proper; quizzes; with sense verbs; this, that, these, those


Adverbs; defined; degrees of; ending in -ly; good, well; phrases used as; quizzes; with sense verbs; very

Adverse, averse

Advice, advise; quizzes

Affect, effect; quizzes




Aid, aide

Ail, ale

Aisle, isle


All ready, already

All right

All together, altogether

Allowed, aloud

All-time record

Allude, elude, refer

Allusion, illusion

Alphabet Juice (Blount)

Altar, alter

A.m., p.m.

Ambiguous, ambivalent

American Heritage Dictionary

American Usage and Style (Copperud)

Amiable, amicable

Amid, amidst

Amount, number

An, a

An historic

And: independent clauses joined by; in numbers; pronouns and nouns linked by; subject-verb agreement


Anecdote, antidote

Anxious, eager

Any more, anymore

Any time, anytime

Apostrophes; in contractions; dos and don'ts; with initials, capital letters, and numbers used as nouns; with possessive personal pronouns; with possessive plural nouns; with possessive singular nouns; quizzes; to show joint possession; single quotation marks vs.; till, `til; with time or money

Appositive commas

Appraise, apprise

Art movements

As: like vs.; pronouns ...

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